KHS Paw-litical Election

The year was 2020, it was an election year, and everyone was simply “over it”.

I wanted to bring wit and comedic relief in the wake of yet another political election year by adding our own spin to the topic. I created two “Paw-litical Parties” that represented Dogs vs Cats, or formally

The RePUPlicans vs the DemoCATS

While advocated for common platforms such as “spay & neuter for all” and “microchipping for all pets so they can make it home”, we also included platforms that were specific to each “Paw-ty”. This included “Legalize the ‘nip” and “Unlimited Belly Rubs for all!”

We also incorporated “smear campaigns” which had the PUPS vs the CATS poke fun at each other. Examples include “Don’t put butt-sniffers in office” and “Tracy is always sleeping on the job!”

With adding our own platforms and spear campaigns, we gathered plenty of engagement and successfully doubled it as a fundraising campaign for the pets at KHS, raising more than $1000 in a little over one week with minimal effort, all organically.


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